Guided Imagery Activities

Google Doc used for Mental Health Week


Simple breathing with Feather Imagery-30 seconds


Easy Relaxation for Kids

This is an easy progressive relaxation designed especially for kids. It's only 5 minutes long, making it great for quick stress-relief or as an addition to your bedtime routine. The soothing music, sleepy imagery, and relaxing script are sure to leave kids feeling calm.


Stop, Breath, Think-Lots of videos to choose from!  

5 Minute Mindful Breathing Meditation

Lion Mind-7:20 min

Relax, Ground, and Clear

Nature Sounds Meditation-3 minutes


Let It Go by GoNoodle-1:11

Find Peace-Go Noodle-1:36

Victorious Flow-Go Noodle-3:52


Guided Imagery Activities

Ocean Escape-10:17



Progressive Muscle Relaxation + Visualization

Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Music-Simple-15:52

Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Visualization: Hammock Relaxation on a Tropical Beach Promo Video



8 simple Exercises-QiGong •
(10 min.)  Not as traditional, but simple breathing and movements that promote deep breathing, balance, and stretching.  Suitable
for middle school and in the classroom.